Save the Reefs

Retail - Hurley
Apparel & Surface Design
2019 & 2025
I worked with Hurley's Creative Director and Team to create an apparel line to help spread awareness for coral reefs in our oceans. This apparel project was to bring awareness of how much impact we have on our oceans. Please support giving life back to the coral reefs in our oceans.
The Challenge
I wanted to add more awareness to the creatures living in coral reef rather than just the coral so I wanted to make more illustrations on the subject. Also include a women's line and add more what coral reefs can look like if we cleaned our oceans.
Takeaways & Lessons
This project was a really nice way to see my surface designs come to life within a retail setting in 2019. I enjoyed the process with this apparel line and wanted to create more awareness which is difficult to illustrate within an apparel line.
Surface Designer

Men's Apparel

To the left are the drawings I used throughout this apparel before adding more to it.  

New Line Apparel